Oct. 15, 2021

"WILHELM PODCAST PRESENTS" Top 5 Favorite Alfred Hitchcock Movies

Welcome to Wilhelm!

It's SPOOKTOBER! and we continue this special month with our second of 4 Halloween themed episodes! This episode I am joined by fellow podcaster and friend Daphne Backman (Run For Your Lives Podcast) as we reveal and discuss our choices for our Top 5 Alfred Hitchcock Movies!

Make sure to check out Daphne's podcast Run For Your Lives available wherever you you find podcasts.

Please rate and review the show on whatever platform you listen and follow Wilhelm on social media:


IG and Twitter: @TheWilhelmPod

Want to be a guest on Wilhelm? Apply here: https://bit.ly/WilhelmGuest or e-mail me directly at TheWilhelmPodcast@gmail.com